
Japanese Man Marries with Virtual Reality Hologram Hatsune Miku

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Japanese man ‘marries’ virtual reality singer Hatsune Miku hologram -- Japan Times

I've heard many negative and emotional responses about this "incident" and Mr. Kondo. Those mainly are like: what sickness and trouble with this man that he went to find real love in virtual reality... and what's wrong with "Japan" (they didn't mention in what particular element of Japan, they just said "Japan": how abstract that is...). But, can we conclude this with just a matter of falling in love with virtual reality hologram, and is it a problem in only Japan? Let me blur my thoughts with this perspective:

Among men who fall in love with women hologram in the world of virtual reality, there are two types.

Type 1: Men who only interest in virtual reality, not real women.

Type2: Men who interest in real women (as human), but had traumatic experiences in attempt of making human relationship in their past, yet went virtual reality to experience "something nearest to loving women" instead. They, as who do not know what is loving real women, define that "something" as love.

For Type 1, we do not need to worry about. They only look at holograms, not real women, means that virtual reality comes as the priority. Just leave them alone, and they will be happy forever. They are one form of diversity, as Mr. Kondo commented in the article, and we need to respect such diversity.

For Type 2 are who we need to be careful of.  For them, virtual reality comes as the secondary, and real women still remain as the priority. But, who they experienced were only virtual reality. Low self esteem, rooted from their traumatic experiences, will not make any challenging spirit in making a girlfriend as a real human. But, they suffer with the dilemma that they still are in thirst of making relationships with real humans. But, they assume that real humans will not accept them. In some cases, such assuming will make curse in them against real human. When their curse explodes, they will go violent against the humans. Such violence, in many cases, towards against relatively powerless being (in physical aspect), women and kids. For sure not all of Type 2 people commit with such violence, but looking back history of crimes that we know of, we can't deny that there's a potential.

And now, let me say once again, "can we conclude this with just a matter of falling in love with virtual reality hologram, and is it a problem in only Japan?". (Note: I have lived in the US more than a decade and felt that I more often see people like Type 2 in Japan than in the US, but I can't be sure; there's no statistics to prove. But, if you ask any other Japanese people around you, most of them will agree with me).

There is a video provided by Al Jazeera English about this "incident", seeing this makes me think as he is Type 2 person.

This 35-year-old Japanese man spent $17,600 on his wedding to the hologram of a virtual reality pop star named Hatsune Miku. -- Al Jazeera English on Twitter

In the video, Mr. Kondo comments as: "For now, we can't touch or hold a conversation with a virtual character yet. But I think it's just a matter of time before technology allows us to do so".

What does he expect by being able to touch or make a conversation with her? There can't not be anything except feeling of human.... because, how can he expect anything else other than human? If he expects something else other than human, and if he can clearly explain his expectations in details, he can win a nobel prize.

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