
Is Japan the "Fraud Heaven" of Lucubration?

News Resource:
Researcher at the center of an epic fraud remains an enigma to those who exposed him - sciencemag.org


Once again with the issue of fact manipulation, similar to the one in the earlier post. But this time, it's taken place in the academic field instead of the bureaucracy. What the article says: an investigation team of British and Aussie scientists suspected of a Japanese scientist for repeatedly issuing fraud lucubration with unrealistic facts of research conditions. The team requested further investigations to the Japanese publisher of the lucubration, however the publisher denied the investigation request.

We cannot always live in our society with the ethical doctrine that all humans are without evil, because we've seen more than enough evils of humans in our own history. To prevent the evils taking practical actions and harming our living environment, we need an observatory force from the third party. However, in the Japanese academic field (as well as the bureaucracy), there seems no observatory function to stop the rampage of such frauds. Such nature will lead citizens to be clueless in trusting the society....


Citizens Furiously Reacted to the Lawmaker Mio Sugita, Said LGBT People are Unproductive

News Resource:
LDP lawmaker Mio Sugita faces backlash after describing LGBT people as ‘unproductive’ - japantimes.co.jp


Mio Sugita is a female lawmaker, belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan. What she meant as "unproductive" is the matter of giving birth. Such statement violates the basic human right of not only LGBT but also anyone who do not "produce" with any reason.

Also, another horror read in the article is the statement made by Toshihiro Nikai, Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party; "Different people have different views, let alone their political positions". Regardless of what political party they belong to, can we let alone this kind of freedom that potentially leads to violate the basic human right? Definitely no. Then, what can we imagine about Sugita making a low by utilizing her freedom of political view...., operating national "human mills" and locking up all LGBTs there, like how nasty bleeders run lousy puppy mills??


Japanese Ministries Reported Tampered Data about Employment of Disables for over 40 Years

News Resource;
Japan ministries may have fiddled numbers of disabled employees: media -- reuters.com


For over 40 years, the Japanese ministries have reported tampered data about numbers of disabled employees. Actual employment has of course been less than reported.

When a person tries to gain understandings of something, refering statistical data is one secure and exact way. But, what if the statistics was tampered, and what if it was a matter of basic human rights, and what it was done by our administrators... What can we, as citizens, believe then?


Tokyo Medical University Intentionally Lowerd Female Exam Scores

News Resource:
Tokyo Medical University 'changed female exam scores' - bbc.com


A scandal of Tokyo Medical University was recently revealed that they had intentionally lowered the female exam scores at their entrance exams for years, for securing more male students.

This is one example of gender inequality that men are thought as more effective labour force than women, since women potentially give birth, quit job then become housewives. With such inequality, having a difficulty to enter the college, we can imagine about their situations in getting jobs...

Another obstacle for Japanese women, especially for working mom, is insufficient infrastructure. Capacity of the child care in many urban area is far smaller than the child population. This causes numbers of capable mothers to quit their jobs and be housewives. On the other side, the Japanese medical industry has been afflicted with the shortage of human resources, especially for doctors (see statistics here: it's 2013's but current situation hasn't been changed much). To avoid further shortfall, the solution that the university came up is limiting the number of female doctors.

For this particular case, the conflict between insufficient infrastructure for working moms and shortfall of labour in the medical industry is the mechanism of the gender inequality.


Japanese High School Forced a Student to Dye Her Natural Hair Black

News Resource:
Japanese Teen Says School Told Her to Dye Her Natural Hair Black or Drop Out - Time.com


Complete lack of basic human right of one keeping his/her natural physical apperance. Does the school expects all Japanese people must have black hair??

Another shock is that this happened in the public school.

I remember that my cousin's highschool only allowed two kinds of hair style: shaved or slightly longer resembles to buzz-cut. It was over 20 years though... His high school was private school established by one of the highest ranked Buddhist priest. That sounds like the school only allows wannabies of Buddhist monks...


This blog mainly supplies a curation of the internet news resources about the dark realities of the Japanese society, mostly about how the authority oppresses the relatively powerless citizens "in the Japanese way". The oppressing "authority" does not always mean the government or any large-scale administrative party. It can be anyone who can relatively be stronger than others with their social role: supervisors at work, teachers, parents, coaches in sport teams, and etc.

Following this blog, you will find numbers of gauntlet cases that harm, exploit, and consume the peaceful life of citizens, caused by the nonchalance of individual human rights.

Please note that I am not a naysayer about anything Japan offers; this country of course has plenty of "bright side" that has enriched many people's life here. But since you might have already been inputted about those by other media resources or your Japanese friends around, so I go with introducing the "dark side" that you probably have much less opportunities to be informed.

Please also note that though lots of political topics may be raised in this blog, neither I do not intend this blog supporting any of existing political activities nor I personally do not support any political party in or out of Japan. I am just a boatman of the information.

The author of this blog is a Japanese man in his early middle-age. He spent about one third of his entire life out of the country (somewhere in the democratic Western world) who once viewed his own country with the perspective from the outside world.