
Citizens Furiously Reacted to the Lawmaker Mio Sugita, Said LGBT People are Unproductive

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LDP lawmaker Mio Sugita faces backlash after describing LGBT people as ‘unproductive’ - japantimes.co.jp


Mio Sugita is a female lawmaker, belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan. What she meant as "unproductive" is the matter of giving birth. Such statement violates the basic human right of not only LGBT but also anyone who do not "produce" with any reason.

Also, another horror read in the article is the statement made by Toshihiro Nikai, Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party; "Different people have different views, let alone their political positions". Regardless of what political party they belong to, can we let alone this kind of freedom that potentially leads to violate the basic human right? Definitely no. Then, what can we imagine about Sugita making a low by utilizing her freedom of political view...., operating national "human mills" and locking up all LGBTs there, like how nasty bleeders run lousy puppy mills??

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