

This blog mainly supplies a curation of the internet news resources about the dark realities of the Japanese society, mostly about how the authority oppresses the relatively powerless citizens "in the Japanese way". The oppressing "authority" does not always mean the government or any large-scale administrative party. It can be anyone who can relatively be stronger than others with their social role: supervisors at work, teachers, parents, coaches in sport teams, and etc.

Following this blog, you will find numbers of gauntlet cases that harm, exploit, and consume the peaceful life of citizens, caused by the nonchalance of individual human rights.

Please note that I am not a naysayer about anything Japan offers; this country of course has plenty of "bright side" that has enriched many people's life here. But since you might have already been inputted about those by other media resources or your Japanese friends around, so I go with introducing the "dark side" that you probably have much less opportunities to be informed.

Please also note that though lots of political topics may be raised in this blog, neither I do not intend this blog supporting any of existing political activities nor I personally do not support any political party in or out of Japan. I am just a boatman of the information.

The author of this blog is a Japanese man in his early middle-age. He spent about one third of his entire life out of the country (somewhere in the democratic Western world) who once viewed his own country with the perspective from the outside world.

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